Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hello world

I can't believe its taken me so long to get myself up and running but here I am, lol. I'm like so insane about Tavi and Rumi and that other girl with childhood flames, I'm like I would totally be their BFF if they knew me. one thing you should know about me is that I love to rock vintage stuff because my mom was once a model for Dior or someone maybe even more rad like Leni Riefenstahl. I also love Alexander Wang, duh. I wrote some letters to the Rodarte sisters so maybe they'll send me a pair of those ridiculous thigh high boots, they rock so hard.

I love this dress by bouccia or boudica or whatever, it's ridiculously chic and I would kill for it lol not really but still. I am smitten.

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